Integrating Lady Gaya’s Light Consciousness, channeled session by Joanita

This session is an integration of the synthesis light consciousness that Lady Gaya hold with her to be designed to accomplish your light mission on earth.
On this synthesis of light consciousness you will receive:
- the frequency of light from the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdom.
- the frequency of light from 12 signs of the zodiac integrated on Earth´s reality.
- the frequency of light from the 5 elements.
- the frequency of light from the 3 kingdom that holds the light hierarchy on earth: angels, elohim, masters.
- the frequency of light from 5 root races.
This session integrates these light frequency on the bodies system align it with Mother Earth’s light purpose.
This session also aligns the individual antakarana with Gaya’s antakarana, and the individual kundaline with Gaya’s Supra Kundaline.
Logistical details:

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