Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- A -
a feeling that stems from a belief that one's wholeness, self-love, self-approval and self-acceptance is in another person or outside thing rather than being based upon one's right relationship to self and right relationship to God. A feeling of being left behind by seeing your rightful place as being outside of yourself, or your present moment.
father and founder of the Jewish Religion. Trained by Melchizedek. Abraham was also a past incarnation of El Morya.
Abrahamic Initiation
an initiation we all must go through in regard to putting God before our children. Abraham was confronted with this initiation when, in the Bible, he was asked to sacrifice Isaac. When he finally was willing to do this, the angels told him it was not necessary. All that is truly necessary is letting go of the attachment and putting God first!
That seeker who identifies with a more masculine approach to one's Spiritual path focusing on self-mastery, self-discipline, detachment, renunciation, to the slight or severe more austere desert-like focus to realize God!
awakening the activity and potential of the chakras or higher bodies after anchoring them into the four-body system.
Active Intelligence
this is the term or quality of psychological energy that best describes the Third Ray of God! Could also be described as wisdom with physical action. Active service. Also connected to the principle of business on the Earthly plane.
the process of realizing and beginning to actually use the potentials of the chakras, energy bodies and brain centers, which is the next step after anchoring and activating.
the first human being of the perfected race and a symbol of the five physical races. Adam was an incarnation of Amilius, the first expression of the being known as Jesus Christ.
Adam Kadmon
The Keys of Enoch refer to the Adam Kadmon body as the light manifestation of the Paradise Sons and Lords of Light who have evolved (or been created) beyond body form as man knows it. The lightbody that has the ability to take on any form necessary to create and teach all manner of thinking creation; including superspecies creations that exist as energy creation. The Adam Kadmon is bestowed upon the lightbody, which becomes an extension of YHWH.
Adamic Race
those beings on Earth whose bodies are modeled after the Adam Kadmon blueprint, symbolized in Adam, the first human being.
Hebrew word meaning "Lord."
a master who ran the school on Venus to train Planetary Logoi, who was responsible for teaching Sanat Kumara, as well as Vywamus. He embodies the heart focus of the universe, and is the keeper of the Christ Light within each soul in the universe.
a positive statement that has been specifically worded for the purpose of reprogramming the subconscious mind with positive and spiritual thoughts. One of the key tools of attitudinal healing and reprogramming our subconscious mind. This is a fundamental tool given that our thoughts create our reality!
the name of an etheric civilization in the Hollow Earth. Hard for some to believe, but the Earth is hollow and another advanced Spiritual civilization lives there!
Agartha Network
a network of etheric subterranean cities throughout the world that are connected together by tunnels.
Age of Aquarius
the 2000-year cycle in Earth's history beginning with the turn of the New Millennium in the year 2000.
Age of Pisces
this was the previous 2000-year cycle beginning with the incarnation of Jesus in the year Zero!
Agni Yoga
Agni Yoga has also been called Fire Yoga, or Ashtanga Yoga. Made famous as well by Nicolas Roerich's books by this same title. Has also been referred to as power yoga!
one who questions religious or spiritual beliefs, and who may choose not to claim any system of knowledge.
Unmanifest absolute reality of God
Ain Soph
Limitless Love and Light of God
Ain Soph Ur
Boundless Universal Light
one of the four elements of nature (fire, air, earth and water), and the astrological signs.
Air Signs
Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius.
Eastern term referring to the Third Eye chakra.
Aka is a Hawaiian word which describes etheric substance also known as the ethers. In the process of living, lines of aka substance or etheric substance often connect people, places and things. Energy and thought can travel through these lines of energy.
Akashic Records
God's storehouse of all knowledge; where all the records are stored of each person's every thought, word and deed from the inception of their creation!
one of the most famous and Spiritual Pharaohs of Egypt. He followed the teachings of Ra and the Law of One!
an Extraterrestrial civilization just beyond the Andromeda Galaxy, described in the channelings of Ruth Montgomery, who have a physical appearance similar to that of humans, but with greatly enlarged diaphragms and lungs because the oxygen on the planet is so minimal that a normal human could not live there.
in earthly terms, it is the process of transforming base metals into gold. In Spiritual or metaphysical terms, it is the changing of negative thoughts, emotions or experiences into positive ones. Deals a lot with the new Seventh Ray energies coming into this planet now.
alchemical marriage
the complete integration, mastery and marriage of the masculine and feminine qualities and abilities within one's self. Among many other factors, every person must fully integrate and blend his/her masculine and feminine sides to realize the ascension process fully.
infinitesimal particles of spiritual light that can be called forth from Archangel Metatron to assist with one's ascension.
Alice Bailey
Alice Bailey is the woman who channeled the Second Dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings, which is a collection of approximately 24 volumes of books from the early 1900's. She followed in the lineage of the work of Madam Blavatsky, which has been carried forth in the Third Dispensation of this work by the channeled work of Dr. Joshua David Stone.
alien abduction
a phenomenon in which various Extraterrestrial groups intrude upon people, usually during sleep time, and take them unwillingly aboard ships for examinations and other medical procedures. This phenomenon is usually associated with those ET groups that are not love-centered in their approach to communing with humanity.
Alien Treaty
In 1954, a formal treaty between the U.S. Government and a faction of the Grays was signed. The treaty basically stated that the alien nation would not interfere with the affairs of the U.S., and the U.S. would not interfere in their affairs. The U.S. agreed to keep their presence on Earth a secret; they agreed to furnish the U.S. with advanced technological information and they promised not to enter into a treaty with any other nation on Earth. They were permitted to abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purposes of medical examination and the monitoring of development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, and would have no memory of the event.
in the context of the ascension process, to be aligned with the higher energy bodies, grids, dimensions, the higher will, creating the effect of reflecting higher qualities, abilities, truths, wisdom and motivation by resonating with these forces.
a name used for the Almighty God in the Islamic Faith.
Allah Gobi
the Ascended Master who is our current Manu. The Manu being a position in the Spiritual Government overseeing the higher aspects of the First Ray Department of the Spiritual Hierarchy!
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the Sixth Ray. Aloha's male counterpart is Peace.
Alpha Centauri
one of the closest star systems to Earth, which resonates with violet light and is home to an advanced civilization that has enormous scientific and technical knowledge that is of the highest quality in the universe. The Alpha Centaurians are very theoretical, and intend to help increase humanity's scientific, technical, and theoretical knowledge, and find ways to make this knowledge understandable.
alpha waves
a brainwave state characterized by being in a light meditative state, or daydreaming. This is an important state of awareness when entering into a trance state to make contact with a spiritual guide, or tune into the inner senses. It is a state of mild relaxation.
a planetary system that lies approximately fifteen lightyears from Earth, and contains an intelligent civilization that was originally colonized by the Vegans. This civilization is not currently involved in space exploration and is quiet, contemplative, and given to peaceful philosophic pursuits.
first incarnation of Jesus on Earth.
divine nectar, which can be called forth and received as a blessing and ascension activation.
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the First Ray. Amazonia's male counterpart is Hercules.
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the Third Ray. Amora's male counterpart is Heros.
a form of jewelry the Spiritual seeker wears for the purpose of some Spiritual function.
(bliss) the fifth stage of the nine stages of samadhi. This is the stage of samadhi focused upon ananda, or bliss. It is the withdrawal of all objective realities. Atma, or the self, cannot be found within the form. Bliss arises as the supramental activities have been quieted. There is a stage, however, even beyond bliss. The metaphor often used here is that you can obtain the golden egg or the goose that lays the golden egg, which is the "reality principle" behind the golden egg.
Ancestral Mass Karma Clearing
a type of clearing meditation process that can be done on the inner plane in Djwhal Khul's ashram, in which one asks that all ancestral connections with all the people in one's life, one's past lives, and in lives on other planets are called forth into a place connected with the ashram so karma can be cleared and all imbalanced matrices and fear-based programming can be removed, with a request for forgiveness and unconditional love for all present.
the process of pulling in higher chakras and higher subtle bodies into the four-body system and creating a sustained connection to their potential at the physical level. (example
Ancient of Days
a title used in many scriptures and channelings throughout history for the planetary logos Sanat Kumara.
refers to the individual who has achieved masculine/feminine, yin/yang balance within their psychology.
a galaxy near the Milky Way galaxy that is home to many advanced civilizations who are visiting Earth and other star systems in the Milky Way.
Angel of Death
There are infinite numbers of angels that serve every kind of function under the sun in God's infinite universe. There is one particular type of angel that is totally unconditionally loving and service-oriented that appears at the time of physical death, which helps the incarnated soul transition to the other side. Not an evil figure as depicted in some movies on the Earthly plane.
Angel of the Presence
a term used by Djwhal Khul to describe the spiritual self.
the study and practice of understanding and being in contact with the invisible forces of the universe, developed by the Essenes. The Essenes developed a tree of life that represented fourteen positive angelic forces. Seven of them were of a Heavenly nature and seven of a more Earthly nature. The tree of life had seven branches reaching toward Heaven and seven roots reaching into the Earth, and man was seen sitting in a sort of yoga posture halfway between Heaven and Earth. The seven Earthly powers and roots were the Earthly Mother, the Angel of Earth, the Angel of Life, the Angel of Joy, the Angel of the Sun, the Angel of Water, and the Angel of the Air. The seven powers and branches in the Heavenly region of the tree were the Heavenly Father, the Angel of Eternal Life, the Angel of Creative Work, the Angel of Peace, the Angel of Power, the Angel of Love, and the Angel of Wisdom.
beings of love and light who serve the Creator throughout the infinite universe, who represent the feminine or nurturing aspect of the Creator, and act as spiritual guides, healers, messengers, and protectors. There are angels of illumination, creativity, nature, healing, music, dance, writing and literature, protection, emotions, politics, science and technology, devotion, purity, information, salvation, environment, transformation, peace, art, relationships, purity, and ceremonial order and magic. All one must do is invoke them and they are happy to come and serve.
Angelic Hierarchy
the aspect of the Spiritual Hierarchy that represents the angelic line of evolution, which expresses the feminine and nurturing part of the Creator.
a negative emotion caused by a loss of control and attempt to regain it. Caused by negative ego thinking rather than Spiritual thinking! Caused by attachment and not looking at things as lessons. Also not keeping your bubble of protection up!
Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom in Cambodia
Covering nearly 300 kilometers of the Mekong flood plains in Cambodia, a vast temple complex of 72 major structures, containing both Buddhist and Hindu religious and architectural influences. The temples contain images of the forces of good and evil struggling against each other in a way that creates both the balance and the turbulance needed to power creation. This was a sacred site for initiation into the mysteries of creation.
Animal Kingdom
one of the five Kingdoms of GOD. Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human, and Spiritual!
animal mutilations
the Grays have sometimes used animals as a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormones, and blood plasma, and for genetic experiments. There have been many reports of animal mutilations, particularly with cattle, that are connected with this.
the belief that all nature is alive with spirits.
an Egyptian amulet used for the process of anchoring God's light.
the offspring of the Anunnuki, who mated with ancient humans, and who remained on the Earth for a long period of time; influencing the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis.
a race of beings that came to Earth from Sirius hundreds of thousands of years ago and played an important role in the development of human civilization.
the bridge of light that one builds between the personality, soul, monad and God; also called the rainbow bridge. It is the thread and the cord often spoken of which the disciple creates through meditation, understanding, spiritual practices, and specific, focalized spiritual work.
a star system that serves as an interdimensional bridge to Andromeda, which has one of the most highly evolved Extraterrestrial civilizations in this universe. Some souls pass through the Antares gateway upon physical death to reactivate their soul memories. Antares lies in the constellation Scorpius, and is a binary star of fiery red and emerald green.
an archetypal person that is predicted in some prophesies to rise up and attempt to deceive the world away from the ways of the Lord. In some prophesies, specific details are given about who this person may be and what they may try to do, but the idea of the antichrist as an archetype can be applied to anyone who would try to rise to a seat of ultimate power, such as Adolf Hitler. This archetype is part of the collective subconscious mind and represents the most delusional of all negative ego dramas.
the teachings of Rudolph Steiner, a Germain mystic who was able to soul travel, and brought through certain Ascended Master Teachings in the early 1900's.
the ending times or war; thought to have already occurred just prior to the new millennium in Biblical prophecy. Connected with the final battle of Armageddon!
the male counterpart of the Elohim of the Second Ray. Apollo's female counterpart is Lumina.
the disciples of Jesus Christ who took on the leadership responsibilities after Jesus' death and resurrection, to form the church and preserve and spread the teachings of Christ.
Appollonius of Tyanna
the next incarnation of Jesus Christ (Sananda), that took place nine years after the crucifixion, according to Djwhal Khul in the Alice Bailey books. He took his fifth initiation in this life and his teachings were very similar to that of Jesus, and were sometimes confused with Jesus historically.
objects materializing out of thin air in the presence of a medium or master.
one of the 12 houses of the Zodiac (1/22-2/22). Key phrase-"I Know." The key challenge of Aquarius is developing that deeper inner knowing that goes beyond just faith. The positive attributes of the Aquarian personality are
(Thrones) Type of angel.
a more advanced level of Angelic evolution. Archangels having greater Spiritual Leadership than Angels. One of the nine types of angels.
Archangel Faith
Female Archangel of the First Ray and partner to Archangel Michael.
Archangels Jophiel and Christine
Archangels of the Second Ray.
Archangels Chamuel and Charity
Archangels of the Third Ray.
Archangels Gabriel and Hope
Archangels of the Fourth Ray.
Archangel Metatron
the Chief of the Archangels and the creator of the electron and all of the outer light in the universe.
Archangel Michael
Archangel of the First Ray dealing with Personal Power, God's Will and protection! Works with Archangel Faith.
Archangel Michael's Blue Flame Armor Shield
a blue flame armor shield of protection that Archangel Michael will place around you on request that serves to dissolve all negative thoughtforms that are not of the light of God.
Archangel Michael's Robe of Protection
Michael's Robe of Protection can be called forth in meditation and worn etherically for extra protection from negative energies.
Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary
Archangels of the Fifth Ray.
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel dealing especially with the Earth. Good to call on him in all matters of the Earth and grounding your Spirituality.
Archangels Uriel and Aurora
Archangels of the Sixth Ray.
Archangels Tzadkiel and Amethyst
Archangels of the Seventh Ray.
underlying mythical themes that can be found in all races and cultures at all times. They are ageless roles or key stereotypes that portray different forms of behavior, and must be balanced and played out consciously if one is to be clear of the glamour of these archetypes.
Arc of the Covenant
the Spiritual encasing that was said to contain the Ten Commandments of Moses. A number of arcs were also used by Melchizedek Priests in Egypt to channel Spiritual Energies for healing, and they were also used in the building of the pyramids.
Arcturian Protection
the Arcturians can send protective energy to surround anyone upon request, and they also have an advanced technology that one can wear on an etheric chain around the neck that looks like a circular golden pill box, which when opened provides extra protection.
Arcturian Electronic Plate
an electronic plate that is anchored into the third eye that reflects Light and helps the mind to hone in on the higher mind, amplifying omnipresence and synthesizing the upper spiritual triad of the higher mind, intuition, and spiritual will with the body, heart, monad, and Cosmic Heart. This activation also helps in bilocation, teleportation, and telepathic development.
Arcturian Grid Integration Technology
a technology that can be called forth while in the Light Synthesis Chamber, where the high frequency light from the Arcturians is run through the etheric body's grid system in a specific isolated manner rather than through the entire body as is done in the Light Synthesis Chamber.
Arcturian Information Exchange Chamber
a chamber on an Arcturian Starship where one can go in meditation to receive information from the Arcturians for personal upliftment.
Arcturian Light Synthesis Chamber
a chamber on an Arcturian Starship, similar to the ascension seats, that uses advanced technologies to assist beings with building Light quotient and synthesizing all levels of one's being and light into the four-body system. One can request to be taken to this chamber during meditation in their etheric body, or one can ask for the energies of this technology be sent to the body on Earth.
Arcturian Love and Joy Chamber
a chamber on an Arcturian Starship that one can connect to in meditation that can fill one's being with an intense frequency of Love and Joy.
Arcturian Mechanism Chamber
a chamber and technology on an Arcturian Starship that can be visited in the etheric body during meditation, which is used to heal the physical body of any health conflict.
Arcturian Plating System
an advanced technology from the Arcturians made up of a complex plating system that can be installed by the Arcturians on request, and is the future replacement system for the chakras.
Arcturian Prana Wind-clearing Device
an advanced light technology that can be called forth from the Arcturians that is anchored into the third chakra that rotates like a fan in a clockwise direction, moving in ever wider concentric circles, that clears etheric mucus and debris from the etheric meridians, chakras, nadis, veins, arteries, and capillaries.
one of the most advanced groups of Extraterrestrials in the galaxy, originating from the star Arcturus, which is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation. This fifth dimensional civilization is a prototype for Earth's future. Their energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity, and it also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. Their civilization has completely transcended duality and is living in total oneness, and they are playing a key role in the plan for the ascension of humanity and the Earth. They have some of the most advanced technologies available for helping humans build Light quotient and achieve physical ascension.
Arcturian Stargate
a gateway held by the Arcturians into the fifth dimension that acts as a waystation for beings who have achieved a higher level of spiritual integration and are ready to be reassigned and/or pass on to many other parts of the multidimensional galaxy that are connected to the Arcturian Stargate.
Arcturian Starships
the Arcturians have some of the most advanced starships in the galaxy, and humans may request to visit these starships in their spiritual bodies during sleep or meditation to communicate with the Arcturians or work with their healing and ascension technologies.
1 the male counterpart of the Elohim of the Seventh Ray. Arcturus' female counterpart is Victoria. 2 a star in our sector of the galaxy that is the home to the Arcturians.
acronym for the Association for Research and Enlightenment. Edgar Cayce Foundation.
Ayers Rock, Australia
Ares Rock is perhaps one of the most difficult to reach of all the sacred sites. Its remote location, deep in the middle of the Australian desert, is hundreds of kilometers from any large settlements, and one must take plenty of water and gas to get there and back. This large rock rises up high above the flat and virtually featureless desert plain of the surrounding area. It has long been held sacred as a place of power by the Aborigines, and despite its remote location, this beacon of Earth energy draws many every year to experience its power.
disciple of Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita.
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (3/21-4/21). Key phrase-"I Am." The challenge of Aries is coming to a right relationship to self, and understanding one's true identity. Is your identity in your personality, body, what you do, or the content of consciousness; or is it as the "I," the consciousness, the chooser, the soul, the spiritual being? Aries on the positive side tends to be self-directed, assertive, strong, pioneers, full of energy, filled with good ideas, and leaders. The key lessons to learn are
a type of healing modality based on the use of perfumed oils and scents to stimulate certain psychological qualities. Similar to Bach Flower Remedies; however, instead of putting them under the tongue, you scent the air with them!
Aryan Root Race
There are seven Root Races and the Aryan Race is the fourth one, which we are currently in. In terms of the evolution of the people of the Earth, it deals with the mental development phase. This is not to be confused with Hitler's use of the term, which was a negative ego misuse of the concept.
(relinquishment) the eighth of the nine stages of samadhi. This stage is focused upon and obtained by complete renunciation of all worldly objects. This state is devoid of any conscious impressions, with only subconscious impressions. By remaining in this state, all karmic thoughts are burned up.
1 In the Piscean Age it meant to take the sixth initiation, or to set upon the path of higher evolution. 2 to move further upon the path of ascension, or to make progress on the process of ascension.
Ascended Master Healing Platform
an invocation that can be made that will call forth a large group of ascended masters who will hold a particular point of focus for a specific period of time for healing or strengthening a particular energy body or part of the physical body that needs healing.
Ascended Masters
1 a group of highly evolved beings who have transcended the experience of duality and the reincarnational cycle, who serve the Creator and guide humanity's evolution towards the prototype state of beingness that they express. 2 those who have become masters of unconditional love, egolessness, selflessness, integration, and who have achieved ascension.
1 the process of attaining Christ/Buddha consciousness through transcending the negative ego and raising one's Light and Love quotient and completing of one's Spiritual initiations leading to one becoming a full-fledged Ascended Master and God-realized being (see sixth initiation) (see also descension). 2 the process by which the monad, soul and earthly personality all become one on Earth. 3 the upward or ascending aspect of the universal cycle of Creation, characterized by the moving of energy and being back into more refined and integrated levels and frequencies of Love and Light. The cosmic in-breath of Brahma, in the cosmic creation cycle of the in-breath and out-breath of God (see also integrated, planetary, solar, galactic, universal, cosmic, or monadic ascension). Ascension is the process of anchoring your Higher Self and Mighty I Am Presence or Monad into your physical body in an integrated and balanced way and, hence, achieving your seven levels of initiation. It is also a process of achieving a 99% Light quotient level on a planetary scale. It is also self-mastery on a spiritual, psychological and physical/earthly level in service of God and unconditional love. It is the balancing and integration of your seven rays, seven chakras, twelve archetypes, twelve astrological signs, and twelve Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. It is the fulfillment of your Spiritual mission, contract, puzzlepiece, personal blueprint and Divine Plan on Earth! It is the full embodiment and demonstration of God and unconditional love on Earth, and a life dedicated completely to service of one's brothers and sisters!
ascension angels
angels in God's infinite universe that have been given the specific focus by God of being in charge of the process of ascension, which can be called forth with the help of Archangel Metatron to work on a full time basis to help one to ascend and to help the Earth and humanity as a whole to ascend.
ascension chakra
A chakra other than the seven major chakras that is in the back of the head exactly where a ponytail would grow. It begins to open as one's ascension process begins to accelerate.
ascension column
1 a column formed from all of the levels of higher bodies, dimensions, chakras, grids and levels of awareness that can be aligned between the initiate and the Godhead. 2 a column of light that connects the initiate to all of the higher levels of their being, and forms the path back into the Godhead.
ascension healing module
an etheric double (base to base) geodesic dome made up of nine triangles, with key codes and fire letters from the five sacred languages
ascension lineage and support system
each person has an ascension support system that will evolve and change during the evolutionary process. A person's ascension lineage is made up of the ascended master teachers that one works most closely with on the planetary, solar, galactic and universal levels, and is also made up of the rays one is most associated with, as well as the lineage of the monad and monadic group.
ascension seat
a station on the inner plane, created by the Ascended Masters, that houses special qualities of energy that can be accessed for the purpose of accelerating spiritual growth and building Light quotient. These are actual inner plane places where you can travel in your soul body or bilocate to receive Spiritual current to accelerate your Spiritual evolution and ascension process!
a group composed of souls in and out of incarnation, with a combination of initiates of various degrees and of accepted disciples who are all gathered together through their devotion to the path, for the purpose of service.
Ashtanga Yoga
yoga for the New Age. Connected to Fire Yoga, Agni Yoga or Power Yoga.
the commander of the Ashtar Command! An Ascended Master channeled on Earth by many in the Ascension Movement, who is heading a major part of the planetary ascension process.
Ashtar Command
it is the winged Extraterrestrial airforce, so to speak, of the Ascended Masters that are in charge of protecting the Earth and helping in its Spiritual enlightenment!
(aware of self) the sixth of the nine stages of samadhi. In this stage of samadhi there is a focus upon the awareness of atma, or the self. In this stage, one is on the outer fringes of God consciousness. This is the last of the stages of samadhi known as the extroverted focus with supramental cognition of matter. The first six stages are called sam-prajnata samadhi.
Association of Worlds
an association of physical and nonphysical beings who come together for a number of purposes, who are interacting with the Earth to help humanity progress toward a greater awareness of itself and its place within the association, and to prevent nuclear explosions on Earth that could cause a rip in the fabric of space/time affecting the galactic neighborhood.
mystery school in Upland, California; based on the teachings of Earlyne Chaney. Very attuned to the Ascended Master teachings! Earlyne passed to the Spirit world in the 1990's.
astral body
also called the emotional body, which contains our emotional field and emotional records. Also referred to as the desire body.
astral plane
a lower plane of existence created by the uncontrolled use of the creative imagination where many soul extensions get trapped after physical death. This is also thought of as the emotional plane, corresponding with the emotional/astral body and the second initiation.
astral post office
Madam Blavatsky set up a particular cabinet as her astral post office for communicating with the ascended masters, in which she would put letters that would disappear within a few minutes. Later, new letters or objects would materialize from the masters Kuthumi, El Morya, Saint Germain, or Djwhal Khul.
astral travel
projecting onto the astral plane. Traveling out of the body, through the astral body, which differentiates from traveling in the mental body or higher bodies. Astral travel is connected with the astral plane and the vast range of nonphysical reality constructs that cloud the Earth's aura and multidimensional body. Don't astral travel! Only travel to the Spiritual plane!
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the Fourth Ray. Astrea's male counterpart is Purity.
the science and study of the influence of celestial bodies such as planets, moons and constellations, on the consciousness of humanity.
an advanced Extraterrestrial race that has made physical contact with humanity, and brings a vision of collective unity through their civilization's own achievements of collective awareness. These beings are insect-like, and appear similar to a Praying Mantis. Much of the information on these beings comes from information channeled from an Ataien named Ranoash, through a channel named Dorothy, in a book entitled, The Next Dimension is Love.
one who does not believe in any form of God. Often a person who views science as an alternative to faith or religion. This can be a scientific view of reality without any idea of soul or a cosmic Creator.
Atlantean Root Race
the fourth root race that lived on the ancient continent of Atlantis. This race was focussed on emotional attunement and developed an advanced technology based on the use of crystals.
a great island continent that once was positioned in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and was home to a race of human beings with advanced technology, which was destroyed more than 12,000 years ago in a cataclysm.
one of 12 beings who focus the energy of thought that sustains the Cosmic Day, whose energy and guidence are readily available to be called upon.
another name given to the Eternal Self, Monad, or Mighty I Am Presence in the Hindu Religion.
atmic body
a spiritual body corresponding to the atmic or spiritual plane.
atmic plane
a plane of reality a step above the buddhic plane that corresponds with the fifth initiation and the atmic body. Also called the spiritual plane.
the basic building blocks of matter, consisting of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
atomic accelerator
an ascension seat in Table Mountain, Wyoming, that has been brought down to the physical plane and integrates the ascension energies in a physicalized way that goes beyond what the other ascension seats can do. Before one can use this ascension seat, one must have completed one's ascension and be approaching the seventh initiation.
atomic body
the body that contains the atoms.
atomic doorway
a point above the third eye close to the hairline that is connected with the opening of the doorway for mass planetary ascension, that can be opened and activated by calling upon the Mighty I Am Presence, Vywamis and Djwhal Khul, and asking for the full opening and activation of the atomic doorway.
atomic structure increase
at each stage of the initiation process and full movement into the integration of the 12-body system and 200-chakra system integration, your atomic structure is slowly but surely being increased. It is important at each stage of the initiation process to request to Melchizedek, Metatron, Melchior, Helios, Buddha, Lord Maitreya and the master governing your particular ashram affiliation at this time, for a special divine dispensation of an increase in your atomic structure to take you to the next step, in your evolution and in your world-service work.
the atonement or at-one-ment is the process of undoing all negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling and changing it to Spiritual/Christ/Buddha thinking and feeling! It is a process of complete acceptance, surrender, forgiveness, and openness to the Peace of God.
attack thoughts
thoughts of hurting or intimidating someone, or making them feel afraid of you. Even thoughts of negativity towards others can have karmic repercussions. It is important to send loving energy if you find yourself sending thoughts of negativity to others
God is said to have 72 Feminine and 72 Masculine Divine Attributes as connected to the Earthly plane. We are meant to integrate these 144 Divine Attributes which connect to the 144 areas of the mind!
also sometimes pronounced "om"; considered to be the "Mother of all Mantras." Sai Baba has said that when God listens to people's breath while they are sleeping he hears "aum." When awake he hears "so ham" or "ham sa"! Aum is the arrow and Brahman (God) is the target-Sai Baba
a type of angel.
a multidimensional field of electromagnetic and etheric energy surrounding an object or being which contains its unique signature identity pattern, and information that has been impressed upon it from interaction with other forms of energy or experience, as well as information on any creative energy output or focus such as thoughts, emotions, beliefs and creative intentions.
aura balancing
a healing modality of laying on of hands or energetic healing to balance the subtle bodies or energy bodies (Spiritual, mental, emotional and etheric).
automatic writing
the process of tuning into your Higher Self, Mighty I Am Presence and/or Spiritual guide or Angel through the process of writing to bring forth a channeled message.
a person who is Self-realized at birth who does not have to do any spiritual practices to attain Self-realization.
Avatar of Synthesis
a title given to the Mahatma, a group being that pervades all levels of existence and generates the synthesis effect of all energies blending together as they ascend back into one frequency (this being all of the three hundred and fifty-two levels of the Godhead).
a Cosmic Master who resides within the cosmic center of the Milky Way galaxy, whose job is to oversee the evolution and progress of the Earth and organize the Light of the creation of this galaxy into a form that can utilize the plan and bring it into creation.
Axiatonial alignment
alignment of one's axiatonial meridians and chakra grids with the grids of the higher bodies and dimensions. This activation can be called forth from Metatron during meditation. This can also be requested for the planet, or for either a planetary or cosmic level.
Axiatonial lines
lines of energy connected to meridian system and/or etheric nadis, but even more extensive than can be seen clairvoyantly, that form the energy structure by which we are fed Spiritual current from God!
Ayurvedic healing
the term used to describe traditional and/or Holistic medicine in India and/or the Eastern world.