Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

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Jacob's Ladder
referenced in the Bible as the dream Jacob had where he saw himself climbing up these ladders and stairways through the Heavens to God's Throne.
another one of the world's religions from India, having quite an acetic leaning, focusing on self-discipline and self-denial as a path to God Realization!
Jansen, Olaf
a Norwegian fisherman that gave an account of his journey to the inner Earth, while on his death bed, which was recorded and published by Willis George Emerson in 1908.
feeling in competition with a known or unknown competitor.
God's name as referenced in the Kabballah or Jewish Mysticism, and some Christian faiths. Outer manifestation of God in our universe.
the true name of Jesus as he was known during his life. The name "Jesus" being derived from the Greek translation.
Jesus' Necklace of Rejuvenation
an etheric healing necklace that can be requested from the Master Jesus. It is pink, green and gold in color and serves to help the physical body rejuvenate in conjunction with healing affirmations.
Jesus of Nazareth
an incarnation of the Ascended Master Sananda, 2000 years ago in the Middle East, in which his body and life were shared with the Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher. Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of the coming of the Messiah, and began the Christian movements and a new dispensation of teachings for the Piscian Age. His life and teachings are documented in a number of scriptures, the most well known of which is the Bible. As an inner plane Ascended Master, he is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray of abstract idealism and devotion, which works with the saints and mystics of all religions and is particularly focused on creating unity in all of the world's religions.
referencing a person who practices Judaism, which is the religion founded by Abraham and whose most famous prophet is Moses!
Jnana Yoga
one of the 22 paths of Yoga; based on achieving God Realization through wisdom!
John the Baptist
the forerunner of Jesus who was sent to pave the way for his coming. Also recognized as an aspect of the Christ, who had incarnated before in other times to prepare the way for the dispensations of the Christ.
John the Beloved Disciple of Jesus
an incarnation of Kuthumi, who was one of the primary vehicles for the Collective Christ energy that came in with Jesus. He was the author of Revelations and the Gospel of John, and is responsible for much of the mystical sense of Jesus and the miracles of God that have been preserved from those times.
John of Penial
an incarnation of John the Beloved Disciple of Jesus (Kuthumi) in the 20th and 21st century who was predicted by Edgar Cayce to come to open the Hall of Records in Egypt.
a particular healing methodology of sending Light through the hands to another. A certain initiation process is required and it is a type of light stemming from Avalokiteshvara, which is a derivative of Quan Yin!
the dream interpreter of one of the Pharaohs, and one of the past incarnations of Jesus.
Joseph, the foster father of Jesus
one of the past incarnations of Saint Germain.
a Jewish writer who left many writings concerning the Essenes in 80 AD, revealing a great deal as to their beliefs and practices.
one of the past lives of Jesus, in which he continued the path of Moses to finish leading the Jews to the Promised Land.
one of the nine major religions of the world. Founded by Abraham. Moses being one of the Jewish religion's most well known prophets. The belief in one GOD!
Judgment Day
this is really another name for the Bardo experience. It is the three day period spoken about in Buddhism, where there is a review of one's life experience from God's perspective to see if you treated self and others in a Godly manner. There is no such thing as Judgement Day, really, in the sense of a calendar day, as some believe. It should really be called "Spiritual Discernment Day!" GOD has no judgment! This is a negative ego interpretation. There is Spiritual discernment, however, and the soul is allowed to experience this so they may learn how and where they need to make attitudinal and emotional adjustments to more clearly achieve God Realization in the present or future!
Jung, Dr. Carl
one of the great psychologists of the 20th Century. Contemporary of Freud, however, differed with him on his preoccupation with sexual matters. Jung was one of the few traditional psychologists that was Spiritually focused and believed in reincarnation!
Jungian psychology
psychology practiced by Dr. Carl Jung! (see preceeding paragraph)
the fifth planet out from the sun, holding the astrological quality of the higher mind, higher knowing, idealism and philosophic conception through the quality of expansion.