Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- H -
acronym for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project. This project involves beaming ELF (extremely low frequency) waves into the upper atmosphere, using the ionosphere as a mirror to bounce waves off of, for many different purposes. This project has many scientific and military applications, most of which are considered dangerous by environmentalists and the spiritual community. Many suggest there is a potential for this project to be used as a weapon in many harmful ways, such as mass mind control and beaming lethal radiation down to the Earth to affect the population.
Halls of Learning and Wisdom
inner plane temples that can be visited in sleep time, meditation or between lifetimes for enhanced Spiritual growth!
Hall of Records
this could be called the Spiritual location where all the Akashic Records or Storehouse of All Knowledge is held. Through Spiritual development it is possible to have access to these records for the purpose of Spiritual growth and service!
the Monkey God who was the servant of Rama 20,000 years ago. Hanuman is considered the archetype of the perfect servant of God!
Harmonic Convergence
pivotal Spiritual turning point in Earth's evolution occurring in 1987 that signified a major shift toward the Light in Earth's evolution!
Hatha Yoga
of the 22 paths of Yoga, this is the physical yoga and is associated with the physical postures that most people are familiar with!
discincarnate beings from Venus who utilize the frequency of sound very much as a tool of healing.
the name of the central superuniverse, as described in The Urantia Book.
a lightworker who usually specializes in the channeling of Spiritual current for the purpose of physical healing. The term can also be used by a person who uses God's consciousness to heal on other levels in this capacity as a emotional healer, mental healer, Spiritual healer and/or all of the above!
Healing angels
there are all kinds of angels that deal with everything under the sun. There are, however, a special group that deal with physical healing. Any time you don't feel well, call on your healing angels or angelic healing team for help!
Heavenly Counselors
the first sphere of the angelic kingdom, made up of the Seraphim, Cherubim, and the Thrones.
Heavenly Governors
the second sphere of the angelic kingdom, made up of the Dominions, the Virtues, and the Powers.
Heavenly Messengers
the third sphere of the angelic kingdom, made up of the Principalities, the Archangels, and the Angels.
Heaven on Earth Seal of Protection
also called the Heaven on Earth Seal of Protection for the Children of the Light. Phase One
one of the five sacred languages.
High Priest
the Solar Logos through which the Galactic Logos works through with Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos. Helios is the master who consciously holds the pattern of evolution of for the solar system.
(hell regions) 1 a region of the afterlife dimension in the lower astral plane that is a part of many belief systems, where souls are sometimes attracted who hold on to the negative ego and all forms of separation from God. Though there is such a place in the afterlife, the nature of its existence is grossly distorted by many religions, for contrary to the belief that people are sent there as punishment, souls only go there who are attracted to that vibration and are free to leave when they can begin to free themselves from the pain and suffering that is continually played out there. 2 hell as a state of being not attached to any physical locale, but rather a psychological place of suffering, terror, and despair within one's self.
the male counterpart of the Elohim of the First Ray. The female counterpart is Amazonia.
Hermetic Law
"As within so without, as above so below."
Hermetic Philosophy
this is a particular type of philosophy dealing with the Teachings of Hermes who was also known as Thoth and Mercury. It was Hermes who stated, "As within so without, as above so below."
the male counterpart of the Elohim of the Third Ray. Heros' female counterpart is Amora.
Hidden cities
the subterranean cities referred to in Buddhist theology.
Hidden Sephiroth
the hidden ephiroth is the Spiritual center of "hidden wisdom" and is known as "ephi"!
(see spiritual hierarchy)
higher bodies
your higher bodies are your Spiritual bodies and/or light bodies. There are hundreds. (see Dr. Stone's book called, Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy.)
higher mind
also known as Higher Self, Superconscious mind, Oversoul. The guiding Spiritual teacher until the fourth initiation when it is replaced by the Monad and Mighty I Am Presence! This is because at the third initiation, which is called the Soul or Higher-Self Merge, the initiate is ready to move to a higher level of guidance!
Higher self
another name for your ephirot, or higher mental body, or superconscious mind. In the Alice Bailey book, this was referred to as "Soul." It is the self that is the guide and teacher for every incarnated person up to the fourth initiation. At this time the incarnated individual who is really the soul who is incarnated has merged with consciousness of the Higher Self and, hence, a new teacher is made available which is the Mighty I Am Presence, the Monad and/or Spirit itself! Most synonymous term for higher self would be ephirot. Every Oversoul has twelve souls that it is in charge of that make up its souls' group. Every Monad or Mighty I Am Presence has 12 Oversouls or Higher Selves that make up its Monadic Group! Read Dr. Stone's book, The Complete Ascension Manual, for more explanation on this.
the Chohan of the Fifth Ray department that deals with concrete knowledge and science. The Master Hilarion is also the master of stimulating all of the psychic research and it was through him and his work that the Spiritualistic Moment began. He has under observation all those who are psychics of the higher order, and he assists in helping them to develop their powers for service to humankind. This department is working to bring in the New Age, and focuses on the higher mental energies. Hilarion also works with the Master Marko in this department, sharing the focus of developing higher mental capacity for humanity.
one of the world's major religions; based in India. Also based on the trinity principle of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu! The Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer. Rama and Krishna were said to be incarnations of Vishnu! Very colorful religion with all the various ephiro which are called upon to help in worship!
one of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Archangel Raphael. The name of God associated with this ephiroth is Elohim Tsabayoth.
synergistic, integrated, balanced, non-traditional perspective. Open to all forms of healing, not just traditional allopathic forms.
Holistic healing
healing basically on a more whole or synergistic model rather than traditional medicine which tends to be more drug and physical oriented. Gaining widespread appeal around the world, even with Medical Doctors!
Hollow Earth
a subterranean world with millions of highly evolved inhabitants that occasionally come to the surface to assist humanity with their progress.
a two-dimensional image that appears three-dimensional. A characteristic of holograms that is of great interest is that each part of the image contains the reflection of the whole image. "The part reflects the whole."
Hologrammatic Theory
the theory of the universe as a hologram, used to explain a vast range of phenomena that has not been explained by conventional science, from out of body experiences, to near death experiences, to the complex ways in which the brain remembers, to the phenomena of UFOs, timetravel, and the way quantum energy behaves. This concept is very much at the root of the new emerging views of spiritual science, or the science of the soul. There are many physicists and other researchers who are interested in this concept, but in the Spiritual Movement, the holographic nature of reality is something that many healers, channels or psychics experience intuitively. The holographic insight that "the part reflects the whole," follows the Hermetic Laws of, "As within so without, as above so below." An excellent book on the subject is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
sanctified, embodying the presence of Godliness
Holy Ghost
another name for the Holy Spirit.
Holy Grail
the cup that Jesus drank from that is symbolic of ourselves in a sense as we get filled by the Christ consciousness teachings and understanding.
Holy Matrimony
the fifth of the seven holy sacraments of the Catholic Church, although recognized as a holy rite in virtually all cultures. It is the sacred rite of marriage.
Holy Orders
the sixth of the seven holy sacraments of the Catholic Church, in which a person may be confirmed as a member of the Priesthood of the Church.
Holy Spirit
the third aspect of the Trinity of God! The comforter; the still, small voice within; the dove. Speaks for the Atonement or the At-one-ment! The literal voice of God within. Instrumental in the process of helping to undo the negative ego/fear-based mind and changing it to the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha mind!
Homeopathic remedies
liquid or pill-shaped herbal formulas that can be used for all forms of illness to stimulate the immune system to strengthen and fight off any health concern. Absolutely instrumental to all people as a healing modality! Find the local homeopathic pharmacy in your area!
(see "Homeopathic remedies")
horizontal aspect of life
a reference made by Carl Jung for a focus on the more Earthly aspects of life such as relationships, family, jobs, and so forth.
the 36 watchmen of YHWH's program, which can be called forth to assist with reconnecting one's being and the family of man to the celestial family of God.
humility and lack of negative ego pridefulness. As the Bible says, "After pride cometh the fall!"
Humanistic psychology
a form or branch of psychology focused on letting out one's feelings. Feelings and encounter groups and such being of prime importance. Not necessarily always Spiritual in focus!
Human mutilations
the Grays have sometimes used humans as a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormones, and blood plasma and for genetic experiments, and it has been suspected that not all of the humans that have been abducted have been returned. A number of people have also reported various forms of mutilation from the abduction phenomenon.
the ability to turn the other cheek.
Huna prayer
a form of prayer taught by the Kahunas of Hawaii, in which what one wants to manifest is written out on paper in very clear and precise language, and the prayer is addressed exactly to the being or beings one wishes to respond to it. The prayer is said three times out loud, and then the subconscious mind is commanded to take the prayer to your soul or monad with all of the mana, or vital force, that is needed and necessary to manifest the prayer. After allowing about 15 seconds to complete the process, one says the phrase, "Let the rain of blessings fall!"
Huna teachings
these are the Hawaiian esoteric or mystical teachings. Those who practice are considered Kahunas. Based on the principle that we have three minds. Teachings made famous by the books of Max Freedom Long. Not all that has been shared is completely accurate; however, Huna teachings are a very profound set of work!
Hundredth monkey effect
the phenomena of how monkeys on several islands began washing potatoes in a new way even though they had no physical contact. When the consciousness of a certain number of beings reaches a certain level of critical mass, then it can begin to cause consciousness expansion in the collective consciousness around the world without physical contact, both in animals and people! (see "morphogenetic resonance")
a feeling that comes from a belief that you are emotionally vulnerable and that other people or beings can cause your emotions or make you feel pain. It often comes from not seeing that an attack is really a call for love, and a tendency to take emotional attacks too personally, as well as from attachment.
Hyberborean Root Race
the Hyberborean, or second, root race were similar to the first; however, they slowly but surely began the process of materializing more, and lived on the ancient continent of Hyberborea.
a planet with an advanced civilization that is visiting Earth. This civilization is skilled in the areas of agriculture, archaeology, and creating with their hands from the substances of the Earth. These beings are the sensitives and artists of the galaxy.
Hyos Ha Koidesh
the highest servants of God, who serve the Creator's infinite plan of creation by working with the Creator's trinitized forms of appearance. They are a nonevolving hierarchy who live in one eternal state.
the consciousness phenomena of time becoming unbelievably speeded up.
a state of consciousness where the critical mind or discerning mind is put to rest or sleep so suggestions can be given directly into the subconscious mind for the purpose of programming! Not that different from meditation except that the purpose is different. Meditation is for Spiritual Attunement and hypnosis is directed towards reprogramming the subconscious mind!
Hypnotic regression
using the psychological tool of hypnosis to go back in one's memory to an earlier life experience or a past life experience. Usually used as a psychological tool to release past trauma of some kind.