Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- W -
becoming aware. The struggle to become aware that one is alive, and to seek self-awareness and self-realization. This is the first stage in the 15 stages leading to illumination as described in Eastern traditions.
Waling Wall in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel
the old Western Wall in the Jewish quarter of the old city of Jerusalem is one of the holiest places in Judaism. Every week on Shebat, the Jewish Sabbath, the orthodox Jews gather to pray at the wall and read from the Torah. Many come there to place their prayers, which they have written on little pieces of paper, into the cracks in the wall. The wall is segregated, with women on the right side and men on the left side closer to the temple. The men's side is considerably bigger. In order to enter, one must wear a traditional Jewish skullcap, and the women must cover their shoulders. Caps and scarfs are provided at the gate for tourists. The wall is a place of prayer or hope or atonement, sacred to all Jews.
a Spiritual process whereby an incarnated soul chooses to leave his physical body, however, instead of wasting the physical body and letting it physically die, a new adult soul takes over the physical body. Similar to birth, however, an adult comes when the incarnated soul leaves. Can be very traumatic to the new soul for the body still contains the memories of the original soul. Can be quite traumatic to family members as well. Not an uncommon occurrence in this most unique time in Earth's history. For more information read my book Hidden Mysteries!
Walk-in soul extensions
on occasion, when a soul extension is having too much trouble with its evolutionary process, a more advanced soul extension from the monad or monadic-group may walk-in to assist with the evolutionary process.
a term that refers to the soul extension that exits the physical vehicle as a walk-in soul extension is moving in.
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego;characterized by being a fighter, gladiator, hunter, knight, rival, soldier, survivor, struggler, teacher, or thinker.
Washington, George
the first President of the United States and one of the founding fathers. He was also a past incarnation of Godfre Ray King, the author and channel of The I AM Discourses.
the Celebration of the Buddha-Holiest day of the year to the Ascended Masters. Occurs each year on the full moon in Taurus. Usually in May. It is the high point of incoming Spiritual energies to the Earth. Occurs each year in the Himalaya Mountains in the Wesak Valley on the etheric plane. It is a time of celebration where all the Ascended Masters gather and East meets West. A time of rejuvenation before another year of service work. I have taken on the Spiritual Assignment of bringing Wesak to the West in the form of the Annual Wesak Celebration in Mt. Shasta each year for 2000 people! For more information on this, call the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy @ 818.706.8458 (UPDATE PHONE NO. ETC)
one of the four elements of nature.
Water of Life
special formula of water created in Turkey and created by the Perfect Science Environmental Company for the purpose of drinking. People who have tried it say it has a very energizing and uniquely cleansing effect on the body! See Academy Website or information packets for more information. (IS THIS STILL AVAILABLE)
Water Signs
Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.
wheel of rebirth
this refers to the process of Reincarnation. Part of the purpose of life is to break the wheel of rebirth by passing your seven levels of initiation! This allows you to achieve liberation if you do it in a balanced and integrated way. You, in a sense, graduate to the Fifth Kingdom or Spiritual Kingdom.
white light
a particular type of Light of God that has strong purity and protective qualities.
White Time Healing
an Extraterrestrrial healing system. For more information contact the Academy. (IS THIS STILL AVAILABLE?)
a Spiritual Sect based on the teachings of White Magic. They see themselves as witches, but only using White Magic, not Black Magic. Very connected to the Earth as well.
another word for "personal power."
second aspect of the Three-Fold Flame! Power and Love must be balanced with Spiritual and Psychological Wisdom.
Wise One
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego;characterized by being a guru, holy one, master, mystic, oracle, philosopher, prophet, or sage.
World Mother
this could be said to be a type of Spiritual Position in the Spiritual Government. Mother Mary currently holds this position for our planet.
world service
one of the responsibilities of taking higher initiations and moving higher in the ascension process is to take on responsibilities of Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service. There is a Spiritual adage that speaks to this issue which is, "much is given and much is now expected!"
world service meditations
the practice of using the energy that is accessed in meditation for world service, by focussing the energy on healing the Earth or sending energy to various aspects of the planet's evolutionary process. This can also be accomplished by giving the Masters the opportunity to use the energy being anchored on the physical level in the meditation in whatever way they choose.
World Teacher
the Christ or Bodhisattva who deals with the love/wisdom aspect of God and the Second Ray. Lord Maitreya currently holds this position of World Teacher, and presides over the destinies of all humans, helping all soul extensions to achieve liberation. The Second Ray Department is involved with the teaching and educating aspect of humanity. Lord Maitreya's main assistant, Kuthumi, will eventually take over the position of World Teacher as Lord Maitreya becomes ready to move on in his evolution.
the act of consecreting and sanctifying one's thoughts, words, feelings and deeds in any given moment to God in prayer and meditation in the way any given person sees fit to do this in their particular Spiritual Path to God Realization.