Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

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one of 10 billion inhabited planets in our universe with physical life on it. Our particular planet has an Adam Kadmon type of body. Other planets have other types of physical bodies!
earthbound souls
soul extensions who are so attached to the material world that they don't allow themselves to go through the tunnel to the other side after physical death during the bardo experience, and are stuck on the earthly plane even though they are in their astral bodies, often remaining in their physical house or earthly residence without realizing that their own consciousness is keeping them stock on Earth and not allowing them to continue their spiritual evolution to the higher planes.
Earth changes
Earth Signs
Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo.
Easter Island, South Pacific
the great statues of Easter Island are perhaps a mystery as great as any of the other megalithic structures of the ancient world. The mystery lies in the legends that the inhabitants of the island came from another greater island that sank beneath the sea in a cataclysm. The island is yet another sacred site that carried the title of "navel of the world" by its inhabitants. There is sufficient reason to believe that the settlers were guided there by leaders who had knowledge of how to navigate using the stars. No one has ever been able to satisfactorily explain how a population whose peak just exceeded 4000 was able to create and move into place all of the megalithic statues of the island, or what purpose they may have served.
acronym for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, and the name designated for the alien that had been found wandering the desert after the 1947 Roswell crash.
the science of soul travel. A movement started in 1956 by Paul Twitchell.
Eco Yoga
is yoga based on the consciousness of "ecology." Find God through ecology and environmental consciousness. The Green Party, which is popular in the U.S., is a type of Eco Yoga.
extreme joy, extreme bliss.
refers to the time in Earth's history prior to the eating of the fruit from the Tree of Good and Evil. In truth, this refers to a time in ancient Lemuria. A civilization that predates even the civilization of Atlantis.
edenic state
the perfect state, as we were in the beginning, and as we will be as we move back into this state through the process of ascension.
Edfu, Egypt
on the west bank of the Nile at Edfu, in upper Egypt, stands the temple of Horus-the solar god whose parents were the gods Isis and Osiris. This area was maintained as a sacred site by the Egyptians for over 2000 years until around the time of Christ. These monuments were intended to be a microcosm of the macrocosm of the universe that could help humanity to achieve consciousness of the hidden order.
1 as a result of the fall of man and the illusion that we are physical rather than spiritual beings, the ego began, "ego" being a thought system and philosophy based on the illusionary belief in separation, fear, selfishness, and death. 2 a term used in traditional psychology to describe a person's sense of self and individuality, and all of the beliefs, assumptions, desires, and the many levels and compartments of the self identified in psychology.
egotistical ambition
the focus of ambition based on desire, such as for money, fame, power, or material wealth.
one of the five sacred languages.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
the sacred Egyptian writing on what occurs at the process of death. Similar to Buddhist teachings on Bardo or "after death experience."
this is actually the civilization where a great many of the Atlanteans went to prior to it being destroyed by a series of Earth changes from 200,000 BC to 12,000 BC. Reached its Spiritual height at the time of the great spiritual master Thoth and the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Egyptian Gods
most famous Egyptian God was Ra, or the Sun God!
Eyher Asher Eyher
Hebrew for "I Am That I Am." The name of God as revealed to Moses.
Eight Fold Path
1. Right Perspective and Understanding2. Right Thought 3. Right Speech4. Right Action5. Right Livelihood6. Right Effort7. Right Mindfulness8. Right Concentration
eighth dimension
the key term for the eighth dimension is potentiality. The eighth dimension is the area that contains all potentialities and where potentialities are tried out and experimented with. The eighth dimension is a kind of cosmic laboratory in which ideas coming from the ninth dimension are first tried out to see if they will work, and if the theme of a particular cosmic day is not working out it is from this dimension that the plan is worked on in a miniaturized form.
eighth ray
a cleansing ray, with a green-violet luminosity that is associated with the Ascended Master Lady Nada, that helps clean out those characteristics and qualities within the self that one no longer needs and wants to get rid of.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
the last President of the U.S. to have a complete picture of the government's involvement with the various Extraterrestrial groups that have made contact with it.
Eka Body
The Keys of Enoch refers to this body as the consciousness vehicle used for time travel. It comes in at the higher stages of the seventh initiation.
Eka Body activation
one may call forth Metatron and Melchizedek to fully activate the Eka Body so one can develop the ability to time-travel in service of the Divine Plan.
Electrical Ones
in the pre-Lemurian period the Earth was attacked by a group of beings from another planet called the Electrical Ones, who wanted to take over the Earth. They were scientists looking for a new home who had traveled a great distance, and fought a war with humanity for 500 years that eventually ended in a truce, whereby most of them left.
the elementals are part of the Elohim Line of Evolution, which are the builders. The Elohim build the infinite Universe, whereas the elementals build all physical substance on Earth!
eleventh ray
this pink-orange ray acts as a bridge to the New Age, it helps one to get in touch with Divine love/wisdom, and is a combination of the first ray, second ray, fifth ray, and white Source light.
great Jewish Prophet who was a previous incarnation of John the Baptist, who ascended. Shares joint Messiahship responsibilities for the Earth on the inner plane with Jesus and Moses.
El Morya
Chohan (President) of the First Ray dealing with Personal Power, God's Will, and Protection!
the Cosmic beings who GOD created to help him create the infinite omniverse. The Elohim are more of the mind aspect of GOD and the Archangels and Angels are more the feeling tones of GOD. The Ascended Masters are more the balance between the two. These are the three lines of evolution in GOD's infinite Omniverse!
Elohim computers
twelve holographic computers in the Earth that contain the programming for the Earth by the Elohim that generate activations for the Earth and humanity at specific times.
Elohim Councils
Councils of Light on the inner plane of groups of beings called the Elohim who are the Creator Gods or thought attributes of God!
Elohim Hercules and Amazonia
Elohim of the First Ray.
Elohim Apollo and Lumina
Elohim of the Second Ray.
Elohim Heros and Amora
Elohim of the Third Ray.
Elohim Purity and Astrea
Elohim of the Fourth Ray.
Elohim Cyclopia and Virginia
Elohim of the Fifth Ray.
Elohim Peace and Aloha
Elohim of the Sixth Ray.
Elohim Arcturus and Victoria
Elohim of the Seventh Ray.
types of very small Devas, Angels or Nature Spirits who work in the gardens. Definitely true life beings all over the world, not just in Ireland!
are radiations of Light and Love stemming from a Spiritual source.
self-judgment based on the belief that mistakes are not alright. A feeling of lack or shame about one's inner or outer nature based upon comparing one's self negatively with others, and not seeing one's self in the same light.
Emerald Tablets
authored by the great Egyptian and Atlantean Master Thoth/Hermes, the legends say that these divine writings were carved on tablets of emerald and placed in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. It is truly by the application of its teachings "as above so below, as within so without'" that cosmic ascension may be understood, and the holographic nature of reality mastered.
Emotional Body
in truth we have a huge number of bodies-Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual! These bodies must all be balanced in our daily lives as an aspect of God Realization. The emotional body deals with your feelings and desire nature. Ideal is to Spiritualize your emotional body and transcend lower-self desire and only have Spiritual desires! It is our thoughts that create our feelings and emotions so the key to mastery of your emotional body is mastery over your mind! The key to transcendence of negative ego feelings and emotions is the transcendence of the negative ego mind.
feelings. These words are really used interchangeably. A vast intelligent spectrum of feeling states centered in the emotional body, and also corresponding with chemical responses in the physical brain. In the higher bodies and chakras, feelings are more unified into the frequencies of Love and Joy, but the emotional body humans operate in can range from feelings of unity to a full range of dualistic emotions that are more chaotic, such as fear, anxiety, and hatred. It is important to master one's feelings and emotions and to learn to properly integrate them. Our emotions are created by our thoughts. So the key to emotional mastery is mastery over our mind. This will translate into mastery over our emotions. The ideal is to create only emotions of love, oneness, God, and the Spirit. Prerequisite for this is transcendence of the negative ego mind which operates within negative ego duality for it is our thoughts that create our feelings and emotions, our reality, and what we attract/repel in life.
energetic medicine
a fabulous new form of nontraditional medicine that will eventually almost completely replace traditional methodologies of healing and testing based upon the science of energy conduction. A great many machines have been invented to find causes and treat illness without invasive measures and the use of drugs. Much more focus on homeopathy and herbs. The cutting-edge revolution in medicine for this new millennium.
the basic substance of the Infinite Universe which all form is made out of!
there are many levels of enlightenment
a Spiritual Master written about in the Bible and other sacred texts. Supposed to be a past life of Jesus! The Keys of Enoch partially written by this Spiritual Master. Enoch metaphysically means "the man who walked with God."
to embody and identity with, or wear a spiritual identity as part of yourself; such as a planetary logos ensouling a planet, or a cosmic being ensouling a galaxy. To guide and embody another being.
the fifth stage on the path to illumination in Eastern Traditions, which is a state of superconsciousness. The mind perceives itself as the unformed and is the all-forming substance. The self beholds the self. It is a state of beholding the void. In this stage one can completely let go of the object or ideal of meditation and be at one with it. This is the first stage of Samadhi, which is then further divided into nine major stages, each of which is a progressive step toward God realization.
an incarnated or discarnate soul or Son or Daughter of God in the process of Spiritual evolution.
Epi-kinetic Body
The Keys of Enoch refers to the epi-kinetic body as the biological plasma used by the energy vibratory body for projection and teleportation within a single dimension. The epi-kinetic body is the consciousness vibratory vehicle that can pass through the common kinetic paradigms of velocity and mass.
Epi-kinetic Body Activation
one can call to Metatron and Melchizedek for a full activation of the Epi-kinetic Body, corresponding chakras, and biological plasma for the ability to project and teleport between dimensions
insight, Spiritual revelation
the spring and autumn midpoints, between the summer and winter solstices, in the Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun. These astronomical events were often celebrated in ancient traditions and incorporated in the building structures or statues that contained alignments to the position of the rising or setting sun during those specific dates in the yearly cycle. The solstices and equinoxes are/were measured by counting the days between the rising and setting positions of the sun on the horizon throughout the year, which change by swinging back and forth because of the tilt of the Earth.
hidden wisdom or inner wisdom that is now being made exoteric or revealed on Earth.
(see Extra Sensory Perception)
an Extraterrestrial civilization approximately five hundred light-years in the direction of the Orion constellation. The name means, "place of living light." The Essassani live in a star system that is at a higher vibration and so it is not visible to those in the physical dimension.
term being used as a comparative reference to that of form or appearance. Essence is the Spiritual or inner nature of things as opposed to that which can be experienced in outer worlds of form.
a community of religious people who played an important role in the life of Jesus Christ. The name Essene means "expectancy," referring to their expectancy of the coming of the Messiah. They were students of astrology, numerology, phrenology, reincarnation and prophesy, who believed that by strict observance of spiritual law they could purify themselves so the Messiah might enter the Earth plane and take on a physical body. According to the readings of Edgar Cayce, they prepared Mary to be the mother of Jesus and played an important role in educating Jesus.
the substance that is one level up from matter. Considered a higher form of matter.
Etheric Body
one of the many basic bodies that make up our body complex. The etheric body is the energy blueprint body that is the energy blueprint that the physical body follows. Good to have the Masters repair your etheric body from past life or this life damage so the blueprint can cause proper healing to take place.
etheric healing team
a team of inner plane masters and healers that can assist with healing and repairing the etheric vehicle from any past damage that it has incurred in this life and in all past lives.
etheric implants
Negative Extraterrestrial implants occur not only in the physical body but also in the etheric, astral and mental bodies; from past lives and this life. Call the I AM University and we and the Ascended Masters will help you to remove them!
etheric mucus
dark clouds of energy that can accumulate in the etheric body.
etheric plane
just as we have an etheric body there is an etheric plane of existence made up of this same type of energy! All physical matter has an etheric blueprint!
etheric webbing
the etheric body, or the perfect mold or blueprint for the physical body.
refers to Adam and Eve who were incarnations of Jesus and Mother Mary. Refers to Early Lemurian times in a literal sense but is also symbolic of the race of people on planet Earth in a metaphysical sense!
extreme manifestation of the negative ego in its most vicious and separative form.
the process of Spiritual evolvement, transformation and change in all God's Kingdoms that slowly but surely realizes God-self consciously in all things. Involution could be likened to the Outbreath of God while Evolution could be likened to be the Inbreath of God!
Externalization of the Hierarchy
you who is reading these lines and all the people of the earth who follow the Law of One and help anchor the Divine Plan on Earth are the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Extra Sensory Perception
science reveals that we have five physical senses-sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Spiritual knowledge reveals we have a whole variety of inner senses as well. (All-knowledge, Perfection, Realization, Active Service, Beautitude, Idealism, Intuition, Divine Vision, Healing, Comprehension, Spiritual Telepathy, Response to Group Vibration, Spiritual Discernment, Discrimination, Higher Clairvoyance, Planetary Psychometry, Higher Clairaudience, Emotional Idealism, Imagination, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, and Clairaudience, for example.) See "The 72 Supersenses of God" in Revelation of all Revelations Correspondence Course #6.
any lifeform or object that is not of this Earth, normally referring to intelligent beings that come from other worlds or dimensions.
Extraterrestrial Brotherhood of Light
a grand collective or family of Extraterrestrial light-baring beings who serve Christ and the Supreme Creative Force, who come to humanity and the Earth to assist with the evolutionary process.