Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- C -
Campbell, Joseph
modern day philosopher of sorts who recently passed on to the Spirit world, most known for his work with myth and fairy tale!
one of the 12 houses of the Zodiac (6/22-7/22). Key phrase-"I Feel." The key challenge here is to develop a right relationship to one's feelings and emotions. Is there the understanding that it is your thoughts that cause your feelings and emotions? Are your feelings and emotions under your control, or are they controlling you? The Cancer personality on the positive side is
one of the 12 houses of the zodiac (12/22-1/22). Key phrase-"I Use." The key challenge of Capricorn is developing a right relationship to how you use things and people in life. The positive aspect would be
Carnac, France
in northern France, hundreds of large stones are laid out in long avenues that some think are aligned with the Earth's ley lines. A megalithic passageway in this same area, oriented to the winter solstice, has been radiocarbon-dated to 4700 BC. The builders are unknown. Some studies have shown the stones to have notable magnetic properties, and many people travel there to explore the stones and even to be healed by the power some believe they channel from the Earth
a traditional form of Christianity connected with the Pope and a particular focus as well on Mother Mary and Christian saints.
Causal body
Spiritual body that contains all the good karma we have accumulated over our lives.
Causal plane
there are seven planes of consciousness in the Cosmic Physical Dimension of reality; these are the physical, astral, mental, ntakar or causal, atmic, monadic and logoic! Each of these seven planes has a Cosmic counterpart as well on a Macrocosmic level!
Cause and effect
law of karma-what you sow you reap.
Cayce, Edgar
Edgar Cayce was probably one of the greatest channels of information of the Universal Mind that has ever lived on this planet. Referred to as the "Sleeping Prophet." Considered the father of Holistic Medicine.
Heavenly dimensions of reality.
Celestial Family of God
all beings in God's infinite Universe on all planets and in all dimensions of reality!
Cellular memory
that memory or cognition that is stored in the physical cells of the body that can be attuned to or released with certain forms of healing and body work.
one of the star systems colonized by the Vegan civilization.
Central canal
a term that refers to the tube or column of energy that extends from the base of the spine to the top of the head, containing the chakras, which is often referred to as the sushumna, or the chakra column.
Central Sun
the central storehouse of information in the Milky Way galaxy, and the source of Love and Light that unifies and guides the consciousness of all who inhabit the galaxy.
a planet with an advanced civilization, populated with human-like citizens, who are primarily interested in scientific achievement, research, study of alien cultures, and bringing peace to all cultures.
aquatic mammals such as whales and dolphins who act as one of the guardian species of the Earth, anchoring one of the primary forms of guiding intelligence that watch over all life on Earth, particularly the oceans.
we each have seven major chakras, which are Spiritual centers or wheels of spinning energy, that are connected with the psychospiritual qualities of survival; sexuality, feelings, and relationships; personal power, the mind, and feminine/masculine balance; unconditional love; communication and surrender to God's Will; Spiritual vision and Consciousness Development; and God-realization! Chakras are really the same energy as the rays of God! Chakras serve as centers to dispense the energy of the rays in our body. There are 352 chakras back to the Godhead! The higher we go in our initiation and ascension process the more chakras we anchor, activate, and actualize in our consciousness and being!
Chakra column
a term that refers to the tube or column of energy that extends from the base of the spine to the top of the head, containing the chakras, which is often referred to as the sushumna, or the central canal.
Channel, channeling
the process of receiving information through a more right-brain rather than left-brain method. It is the science of asking a question to God or a Spiritual Master and then being quiet and listening, and either vocally or in writing expressing that which comes through your spiritual channel of information. Lightworkers do not understand, however, that all channeling is filtered through the subconscious mind, belief systems, ray structure, psychology, philosophy, past lives, and information banks of the person doing it. So all channeling must be taken with a grain of salt, which is also called Spiritual discernment. This is not a criticism of channeling, for it is a wonderful thing, just the proper perspective on how to use channeling properly!
Channeled dancing
a process of calling in higher energies and then allowing the body to move in a free-flowing fashion, letting the higher frequency energies move the body to facilitate the anchoring of the energies into the physical vehicle. Movement can be a helpful tool in anchoring all of the energies into the physical that have already been anchored into the etheric body.
Channeling sound
the process of calling forth higher energies and then allowing them to make sounds through your vocal cords. This might also be called channeled toning, and it can help to raise your vibrations, clear your field, and create certain profound spiritual activations.
(Brilliant Ones) type of angel.
a Spiritual student on the Path.
Chela in the Light
the second stage of discipleship is where a higher disciple directs the Chela from the soul plane. This is different from the first stage where the aspirant was guided by a disciple on the physical plane. In this stage, the Chela is concerned with overcoming glamour and controlling his emotions, as this stage is related to the second initiation. The master is still not involved at this level, for the masters do not work on the astral plane, which for them does not exist. It is for this reason that the Chela is guided by a disciple who is subject to glamour but at the same time aware of its illusionary nature. At this stage the aspirant makes a transition in consciousness from the astral to the mental plane.
Chela on the Thread
the stage of discipleship where the disciple has shown wisdom in his work and appreciation of the master's responsibilities, hence, the Chela is taught how to attract the master's attention in emergency situations. This allows the Chela to draw on the master's strength, knowledge and advice. The thread in the phrase "Chela on the Thread," refers to the etheric telephone line that connects the disciple to the master. The disciple, under soul control at this stage, emits a vibratory call that can penetrate the ear of the master holding the thread. This fourth stage, according to Djwhal Khul, is only possible to a disciple who has been an accepted disciple for more than one life and has demonstrated the ability to work selflessly and with great spiritual tenacity.
Chela within the Aura
in this stage, the disciple is permitted to know the method whereby he may send out a call to have an interview with the master. A disciple at this stage only uses the knowledge for selfless service and the great work that needs to be done. This is a stage far advanced to that attained by most disciples. It indicates complete attunement between the disciple and the master's group. The disciple has now become a trusted agent of the master and the ashram. The disciple at the stage of "Chela within the Aura" can always be trusted to put the group good ahead of his individual good. From the master's perspective, he knows that he has a disciple who is a totally dependable instrument, and one who is no longer a drag on the life of the group.
Chela within the Master's Heart
in this stage, the initiate disciple can get the master's attention at any time. The initiate is definitely being prepared for immediate initiation, or being given specialized work to do in collaboration with his master. This is called "Chela within the Master's Heart." There is one final stage after this that might be termed the seventh, called "the blending of the lights." An initiate at this stage has earned the right to be truly close to the master. His life and/or lives of service have brought him this just reward.
the Cherubim are the heavenly counselors who work above the Thrones in the angelic hierarchy. They are the guardians of the Light throughout the universe. They usually do not have much personal contact with beings on Earth.
one of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Archangel Zadkiel. The name of God associated with this ntakaran is El.
life force or Spiritual current running through the physical and etheric body.
one of the five sacred languages.
"mind" in Hinduism.
one of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Archangel Ratziel. The name of God associated with this ntakaran is Jehovah.
second aspect of the Trinity (God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit). Is not a Christian term used in the Ascended Masters terminology. Is the "I Am Consciousness," the Buddha Consciousness, the Atma Consciousness, Krihsna Consciousness, Shiva Consciousness, and so forth. State of consciousness of living in unconditional love, oneness, joy, bliss, inner peace, evenmindedness, equanimity and most of all egolessness, at all times. There are many levels of Christ Realization
Christ Consciousness
it is a way of thinking and feeling that is directly the opposite of negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling! One of the main purposes of life is to transcend negative ego consciousness and replace it with Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness! God equals man minus ego!
Christ Consciousness Quotient
a term I coined to give one a percentage account of how much an individual is manifesting this type of psychological consciousness. Similar to Light Quotient, except on a psychological level rather than a physical level.
Christ Festival
there are three main festivals that the Ascended Masters celebrate which are considered the Holiest days of the year. They correlate with the three main full moon festivals. These are the Festival of the Christ, The Wesak Festival, and the Festival of Humanity! The Festival of the Christ is overlighted by Lord Maitreya and Sananda! It occurs usually in the month of April on the full moon!
that religious or Spiritual Seeker that follows Christianity (See below)
one of the world's great religions based on the Spiritual Teachings and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christ Quotient
just as there is something called the Light Quotient. There is also something called Christ Quoitient. It is the degree to which, on a percentage basis, you have realized Christ Consciousness in this lifetime!
temple, building of worship.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
the name of the Christian movement started by the Prophet Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, commonly referred to as the Mormon Church.
Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the old city of Jerusalem, Israel
This Catholic Orthodox temple is a sacred site to all the Christian faiths for it contains many of the Stations of the Cross. How accurate the modern markers are for these events we do not know, but people everywhere celebrate in this temple the place where Jesus was nailed to the cross, the place where he was laid down and wrapped in cloth, the tomb where he was laid to rest, and the place where he ascended into heaven. The temple contains a piece of the stone that was supposedly used to cover the tomb where he was laid to rest. Many other sacred places are also there that are connected to the story of Jesus. The temple is vast, beautiful, and filled with the mysteries of ancient Jerusalem.
this is the psychic ability to be able to open one's inner hearing as opposed to outer hearing. Helpful in the process of channeling and listening to the Music of the Spheres on the different levels of Creation! There are many levels of clairaudience! The level one tunes in is directly dependent on the development of the individual's consciousness! The more evolved the consciousness, the higher a level or grid the individual can tune into and channel. Clairaudience does not equal development of consciousness! It is a subconscious ability.
this is the psychic ability of inner touch as opposed to outer touch. Very helpful in the practice of healing and laying on of hands. It is the ability to feel energy with your hands, not just being able to feel physical things.
this is the psychic ability dealing with inner seeing as opposed to outer seeing. It is the ability to see into the Spiritual world and to see auras and the subtle bodies. This is not essential for God Realization but rather is one of the many gifts of the Spiritual path! There are many levels of clairvoyance! The level one tunes in is directly dependent on the development of the individual's consciousness! The more evolved the consciousness, the higher a level or grid the individual can tune into and channel. Clairvoyance does not equal development of consciousness! It is a subconscious ability.
Clear Light
as one moves up the ladder of Creation through the dimensions, one moves through red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, white light, silver, copper-gold, gold, refined gold, platinum and then finally to GOD, which is of such a higher vibration that all color is transcended and all that is left is "The Clear Light of GOD."
ministers and priests
a Son and Daughter of God who has claimed their self-mastery and the fact that they cause their own reality yet understands that the highest form of creation and self-expression is creating with God and the Masters. Recognition that God and the Masters are your co-pilots!
Co-creator Gods
those Sons and Daughters of God who have returned back to God at the highest cosmic level, who neither leave this state nor evolve back into the Godhead.
Codes of the Luminaries
these are the fire letters, key codes and Sacred Geometries of the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy that can be called forth to release these codes for the purpose of Ascension and Spiritual Transformation!
Collective Messiah
a Jewish or Hebrew term for the Spiritual recognition of instead of waiting for one "Great Teacher, Great Soul, Avatar," to return to Earth to help the people of the Earth, that we all also have that responsibility to be the Christ, Buddha and Spiritual Leaders for the salvation and enlightenment of the Earth!
Collective mind
universal subconscious of the people of the Earth
color breathing
. A form of healing where color is visualized and imagined to be breathed into the physical and etheric body for the purpose of healing.
Color healing
a form of healing based on the use of color and/or the rays to accelerate healing
Color Yods
within the Yod spectrum of Light are the various color Yods, or color sequence of Yods, that will be uniquely beneficial to each person's ascension process. One may call upon Metatron to anchor the unique sequence of color Yods that will completely open the fifth circulatory system, which allows all chakras to share the same pulse of the transfigured Light.
Columbus, Christopher
the navigator who officially discovered the Americas as recorded in European and U.S. history, who was a past life of Saint Germain.
the third of the seven holy sacraments in the Catholic Faith. This is the sacrament of the holy Eucharist, in which the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples is celebrated, and a participant may receive the body and blood of Christ symbolically by eating bread and drinking wine that has been blessed with the spirit of Christ. It is a way of experiencing Holy Communion with the Lord, and is a part of many other churches that do not formally follow the traditional order of the Catholic Sacraments.
the third step in the process of self-mastery and liberation begins the process of focusing upon an object or ideal, which allows one to eliminate the rest of one's mental universe that is not carrying one toward the ultimate spiritual goal.
Conditional love
the type of love that the negative ego mind believes in as opposed to the unconditional love the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha mind believes in! It is a type of love based on third-dimensional perception or personality level consciousness, which is transcended when the soul and spirit are integrated into one's consciousness, and one seeks to always recognize the essence behind the form. Love through the negative ego seeks to love only those things or people that serve the ego.
Confederation of Planets
this is the group of planets inhabited with life in our galaxy that have grouped together in a type of "Galactic United Nations" for the purpose of helping our galaxy to achieve God Realization!
the fourth of the seven holy sacraments in the Catholic Church, in which a person of the right age that has committed to the faith of the church, may receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit, and be confirmed as a person of faith. This same rite is a part of many Christian churches as well as part of the Mormon Priesthood.
a great Spiritual teacher and Sage from ancient China who was also the past life of the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul!
that psychological component within each person also known as the "still, small voice within," that signifies our moral and ethical code, right from wrong. A person without a conscience is a "sociopath" or totally selfish and run by the negative ego/self-centered mind.
Conscious mind
we each have three basic minds. These are the conscious, subconscious and Superconscious. The conscious mind deals with the logical mind. The subconscious functions as some sort of tape recorder, computer, software, and store house of all our memories, gifts, talents, and experiences from past lives and this life. The Superconscious is part of the Universal Mind of God and as such our Spiritual Mind! The ideal is to align all three minds so they function as one mind.
that aspect of being that is the very nature and existence of God and God's Sons and Daughters. Able to split ultimately into infinite forms and yet be totally integrated and balanced. That state of being that also allows each Soul to be self-conscious and hence to realize God consciously.
Consciousness cord
1 the soul has a thread or cord that extends from it to the pineal gland of the disciple on Earth, and is utilized by knowledge. 2 an aspect of the antakarana that contains the mental qualities of the soul and was highly active in the Atlantean civilization.
Control drama
a form of behavior and deception one uses on others to get love or attention or to control the other's emotions, such as making someone feel sorry for you, or being intimidating. It is a way of stealing energy rather than maintaining one's inner connection to the Source and getting energy from oneness with the flow of universal prana. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield is an excellent source of information on this subject.
Cords of negativity
energy cords that bind one to other people or to situations that are not of the soul or spirit's true desire.
Core fear matrix removal program
a matrix removal program unveiled by the Spiritual Hierarchy that can remove core fear from the four-body system. It is a divine dispensation from the Creator that allows the senior members of the Spiritual Hierarchy currently living on the inner planes to actually pull your core fear patterns right out of your subconscious mind and four-body system, and can be called forth to help remove specific patterns that one may wish to work on. In 2004 Djwhal Khul brought forth an updated version of the Core fear matrix removal program, called the "core fear removal radionics machine" which is infinitely subtler in its function than the original core fear matrix removal program, and removes even the tiniest remnants of fear.
core group
referring to the Core Group of Masters that overlight Dr. Stone and I AM University.
corkscrew meditation
a meditation used to widen the central canal to the circumference of the head.
a term used for the pathways between the dimensions that exist in certain locations along the Earth's electromagnetic grid system.
term used to explain the most universal and/or multi-universal of God's infinite universe. Used in comparison to planetary energies which is more of Earth's focus.
cosmic ascension
1 in order to complete cosmic ascension one must complete 352 levels of initiation to return to the Godhead, Source, Father-Mother God. 2 one can make progress on cosmic ascension while still in physical embodiment by anchoring and activating cosmic bodies, chakras and dimensions, and aligning with the path of the higher cosmic initiations. Read Dr. Stone's book called Cosmic Ascension for more information!
cosmic ashrams
an ashram is the Spiritual training center and community of a great many inner plane Spiritual Masters. These exist in planetary dimensions and in cosmic dimensions, hence, cosmic ashram!
cosmic astral plane
just as there are seven dimensions of reality in the Cosmic Physical Plane, there are also seven cosmic dimensions. These are the Cosmic Physical, Cosmic Astral, Cosmic Mental, Cosmic Buddhic, Cosmic Atmic, Cosmic Monadic, and Cosmic Logoic. This equates to the phrase that GOD has seven Heavens! These are the seven Heavens of GOD!
cosmic atmic plane
another one of the seven cosmic dimensions of GOD as explained in the preceeding paragraph speaking about the Cosmic Astral Plane!
cosmic bodies
each soul has untold numbers of bodies that will eventually be merged and integrated with as we evolve through the 352 levels of Initiation back to the Godhead! It is possible to call on these higher bodies to integrate with you on Earth, which may not permanently hold but can greatly accelerate your Spiritual Evolution by experiencing this!
cosmic buddhic plane
another one of the seven cosmic planes of GOD that make up GOD's seven Heavens!
cosmic chakras
there are 352 chakras that must be anchored and activated to take one back to the Godhead. The first fifty chakras are what might be considered the planetary chakras, and then there are 50 solar chakras, 50 galactic chakras, 50 universal chakras, 50 multiuniversal chakras, and 100 cosmic chakras, to complete cosmic ascension.
Cosmic Christ
Christ Consciousness at the cosmic level, currently embodied on Earth by Sathya Sai Baba, who is referred to as the Cosmic Christ.
cosmic cleansing fire
a powerful energy that can be used to cleanse and heal, that burns up spiritual debris or cloudiness in the aura, and must be used with extreme caution, only under the guidence of the monad or one of the Ascended Masters, to properly monitor the flow.
cosmic consciousness
there are levels of GOD Realization. These levels are Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal and Cosmic Consciousness. Cosmic Consciousness cannot be attained while on earth in a physical body. Full cosmic consciousness is attained at the realization of the 352 levels of initiation!
Cosmic Consultant
a vast cosmic being that is merged at the highest Source of Sources level-the three hundred and fifty-second level of the Mahatma, that is available to assist humanity
Cosmic Council of Twelve
are 12 Cosmic Beings who are like the Cosmic Chohans or Ray Masters for the 12 Cosmic Rays just as we on Earth on a stepped down level have seven Chohans for our seven Planetary Rays! These beings are like the 12 beings from which all Rays and Creation spring forth, along with the help of the Elohim and Archangels
cosmic day
1 one day in the life of Brahma, or God. 2 one day in the life of Brahma equals four billion three hundred twenty million years, which is part of a longer creation cycle. At the end of one cosmic day all of creation for that particular source is consumed and called back into the Source, initiating the cosmic night (see Maha Kalpa, and Life of Brahma).
cosmic integration
the process of consciousness merging together and integrating all aspects of itself towards a singular awareness.
cosmic isolation
when a civilization is isolated by more advanced civilizations until they can evolve to be mature enough to have contact with advanced civilizations. Civilizations can be quarantined in a sense, especially if contact would result in danger to the civilization or those who might be in a position to make contact.
cosmic light packets
there are Spiritual or information etheric packets of Light in the form of what might be termed the "language of Light." These Cosmic Light Packets can be called forth from the Masters which enhance Spiritual wisdom and Spiritual growth!
cosmic light rods
these are etheric rods of light of different colors and sizes that are placed within the etheric body structure of the incarnated soul for the purpose of Spiritual acceleration and growth!
cosmic logoic plane
one of the seven Cosmic Dimensions and seven Heavens of GOD!
cosmic masters
these are the Ascended Masters that have achieved cosmic ascension such as Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, and the Mahatma (see cosmic ascension).
cosmic mental plane
one of the seven Cosmic Dimensions of GOD and seven Heavens of GOD!
cosmic monad
just as each of us has an individualized Monad or Mighty I Am Presence, at the highest Cosmic level there has been esoterically spoken of an existence of that which has been termed the "Cosmic Monad." There is a Cosmic Monad for each of the 12 Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Monads create Universal Monads. Universal Monads create Galactic Monads. Galactic Monads create Solar Monads. Solar Monads create Planetary Monads. Planetary Monads create planetary oversouls who then create souls like you and I. The 12 Cosmic Monads reside within the Supreme Monad, which is GOD! The "I Am That I Am" at the highest Cosmic level!
cosmic monadic plane
another one of the seven Cosmic Planes of GOD or one of the seven Heavens of GOD!
cosmic night
a very fascinating understanding that GOD breathes out the Omniverse and breathes in the Universe over trillions of years of Brahma. When everything is breathed back into GOD within a Universe or all of Creation, this would be termed a Cosmic night!
cosmic overself body
The Keys of Enoch refers to the cosmic overself body as the preexistence higher body of light that exists for spiritual physical beings prior to their incarnation. This body domes with the realized physical humanity, which has completed the synthesis of the five inner matter/energy vehicles.
cosmic physical plane
one of the seven Cosmic Planes of GOD which all souls on Earth and in the Material Universe reside! The cosmic physical plane contains the seven subplanes of the physical, astral or emotional, mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic and logoic.
cosmic pulse
the cosmic pulse of the universe that one can tune into and be in sync with in Melchizedek's Golden Ascension Chamber.
Cosmic Pyramids of Light
some of the Light Geometries of God in the form of the Language of Light that can be anchored on Earth, particularly in the form of pyramids of light.
cosmic rays
just as we on Earth have 12 Planetary Rays there are also 12 Cosmic Rays of which our planet stems, of which our planet is only one. Our planet is a Fourth Ray planet. We live in a Second Ray solar system, for example. This is why there is so much green on our planet and why the skies and oceans are blue. Not the case on other planets!
cosmic stations
the Cosmic Stations refer to the 12 signs of the Zodiac in our galaxy!
cosmic three-fold flame
just as each of us as souls has a three-fold flame of Love/Wisdom/Power in our hearts that must be balanced by each soul to achieve God Realization, GOD at the highest Cosmic level has a Cosmic Three-Fold Flame which is God, Christ, Holy Spirit! On a microcosmic level, the Three-Fold Flame is the Trinity inside of each of us! God's Power, Christ's Love, and the Holy Spirit's Wisdom and Active Intelligence!
cosmic trinity
1 this is the trinity of GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit. 2 in cosmic ascension, the cosmic trinity or triad of being would be God and the Cosmic Monad, the Mahatma, and the Planetary Ascended Master, which is like the trinity of the Monad, Soul and Personality, at the planetary level.
a theoretical map, so to speak, of how Creation is organized and structured by GOD! Given that all that exists is the eternal now and all of life is multi-dimensional, all cosmologies are only sketches of how things work, but can be very helpful.
Council of Foreign Relations
one of many names used for the organization popularly known as the "secret government."
Council of Twelve for this Cosmic Day
there are many Councils of 12 at different levels of Creation. This Council of 12 would be the one that sits on the Universal level. The Cosmic Day for our Melchizedek Universe is 4.3 billion years. Then it will be breathed back into Source. We have a little more than a billion years before this takes place. This is the council that governs this process not only for our planet, solar system and galaxies, but all those in the entire Universe. There are infinite numbers of universes as well! The theme for our Cosmic Day in this universe is "Courage!" Each Universe and Cosmic Day has its own unique theme!
term used to describe God's promise and/or agreement to his Sons and Daughters.
the term given to describe God's Outbreath, the Big Bang, or God's conscious manifestation of the infinite Universe on all levels! God breathes out the Infinite Universe and breaths in the Infinite Universe. Then breathes again!
Creation Event
what scientists refer to as the Big Bang. It is the event described in all creation stories in all cultures as the primordial beginning of creation. In many channeled teachings it is described as an implosion of Love, which is a unified frequency that creates Light, which is capable of infinite variation of frequency within the uniform frequency of Love. Though it is described in many channelings as an implosion, science described it as an explosion.
the act of burning the remains of the physical body after death has occurred, which hastens the release of the subtle vehicles from the etheric body, purifies the astral plane, stops the downward-moving tendency of desire, and prevents the poisoning of the Earth.
Crestone, Colorado
a small spiritual community and a powerful sacred site, in the Sangre de Christo Mountains of southern Colorado. It is reported to be a major anchoring point for the fifth dimensional blueprints for our world and is very connected with the Arcturians. There are many monasteries and retreats in the area.
critical mass
this has also been termed the "hundredth monkey effect." This is the point where there is a change over to the next higher level of consciousness expansion and initiation. Once enough people are holding the frequency of the next higher octave of being, it will create a sustained wave of energy that will allow all of humanity to easily step up to the next vibration. The critical mass is the point where mass awakenings are sustained and continue to occur until every life is touched. A major part of the path of lightworkers is to help initiate this chain reaction of new consciousness until it begins to become second nature to the people of Earth.
crop circle or pattern
any number of patterns, usually circular in appearance, that appear mysteriously in fields of crops in England and other parts of the world. The crop circle phenomenon is somewhat central to Stone Henge and its surrounding area, with complex geometric patterns mysteriously appearing in crops, often in close proximity to Stone Henge. While many of the patterns have been explained as hoaxes, there continue to be authentic, unexplained occurrences that have scientists all over the world baffled. The patterns grow more and more complex every year and now far exceed the common definition of crop circle. Many feel that these patterns are an attempt to communicate with humanity by a vaster intelligence. The authentic patterns have many peculiar characteristics, including a bending of the stems of the crops that appears abnormal. Each one of these patterns is a power spot in itself, and many now travel to see these places to experience the mystery for themselves.
the process of Jesus being nailed to the Cross by the Romans as depicted in the Bible. On a consciousness and metaphysical level, the crucifixion means the crucifying of the negative ego within our consciousness and being!
one of the most evolved minerals in the mineral kingdom. Can retain knowledge and information in it and can intensify whatever work you are doing by working with them.
crystal grid
this refers to the process of laying out crystals in a specific pattern, matrix, or grid for the purposes of healing and Spiritual acceleration!
crystalline ankh
an etheric crystalline ankh that can be called forth from Isis, Horus, Osiris, and Thoth, which is worn around the neck, that will serve to energize the entire aura and seal in one's existing Light to make sure there is no leakage.
a Spiritual Group that has been taken over by the negative ego and become corrupted without them realizing it. Enormous numbers of these are in the world and lightworkers are reminded to always retain Spiritual discernment at all times! Training in Spiritual Psychology and transcendence of the negative ego is one of the least understood aspects of the Spiritual Path by most people and lightworkers. This is why there are so many false prophets, cults, fragmented groups, and disintegrated Spiritual Leaders and groups! This is also why many lightworkers fall prey to these groups, for if you don't see the negative ego operating within self, you can't see it in others.
the male counterpart of the Elohim of the Fifth Ray. Cyclopia's female counterpart is Virginia.